If you find yourself needing a professional and trusted hand to help guide you through sensitive legal circumstances, rest assured, we here at the Law Office of Elaine M. Dalton are here to help you.
If you find yourself needing a professional and trusted hand to help guide you through sensitive legal circumstances, rest assured, we here at the Law Office of Elaine M. Dalton are here to help you.
In some matters, having someone with experience and legal knowledge to help you map out your strategy is necessary. We want to help you plan for your future and the future of the ones you love.
Whether it is through Contract Negotiation, Wills, Estate and Trust Planning, Prenuptial Agreements, or even delicate matters that may overwhelm you, like divorce mediation or probating the estate of a family member, we are happy to help.
If you find yourself needing a professional and trusted hand to help guide you through sensitive legal circumstances, rest assured, we here at the Law Office of Elaine M. Dalton are here to help you.
Elaine M. Dalton -Attorney
Wills, Estates, and Trusts
Medicaid Application
Contract Review and Negotiation
Probate of Estates
Our experienced staff is here to help you!
We are experts in our fields!
Contract Negotiation, Wills, Estate and Trust Planning, Prenuptial Agreements, and so much more! Read about where these fit into your life in our blog!